Strategic Alignment
Does your team have excellent research expertise and provide impressive analytics? But when you present findings to key stakeholders, they nod quietly and make comments like 'how interesting.'
Then nothing happens.
This type of response is discouraging. Not to mention risky. If key stakeholders do not see the value of your work, research becomes nothing more than wasted time and resources.
One way to improve the impact of your insights is through strategic alignment. This involves taking additional steps to ensure that the problem–and the context in which it arises–are well-defined from the beginning.
We dig into available information and engage decision-makers early in the research process to ensure that your efforts align with business objectives and priorities.
Reviewing available information demonstrates your commitment to their business success. It also gives you a new perspective on the problem to make better recommendations on research design or uncover more impactful insights.
Including decision-makers early on in the process helps them feel heard and provides reassurance that the research will focus on their priorities. This, in turn, fosters buy-in. Buy-in is critical for decision-makers to be receptive to new ideas or insights that may challenge their current perspective on the research topic.
Our approach goes beyond the brief to give you the context and buy-in you need to design and deliver research with impact.
We review relevant reports, data, and news to examine your client company's business strategy and objectives.
We then conduct one-on-one interviews to learn more about decision-maker priorities and uncover differing perspectives.
We help your project team with critical touchpoints in the research process to foster collaboration and open communication.
We help adapt your research design accordingly–and incorporate critical context in data interpretation and communication.